Attention! Due to COVID 19, Camps and classes at MZS are suspended until further notice. Although we miss our students greatly, we can not meet safely. Please email and she will keep you posted when we can have our fabulous classes. Thank you- be safe- Merrideth


Thank You

Fabulous performance! My whole family were so impressed and absolutely loved it! Thank you so much for truly dedicating yourself to this and making such a huge impact on the kids. I also wanted to thank you for choosing wounded warriors and writing such a heartfelt dedication. My parents left their country when it became […]

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Thank You! May 26th Show 2014

Hello All You Wonderful People at MZ Stageworks! There are absolutely, positively, unquestionably, undoubtedly, no words to great enough to describe how appreciative I am for all you have done for my daughter!!!! You are all so creative, positive, loving, wonderful, ….. I could go on forever!!! Michael and I were talking yesterday about whether […]

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Charlie Tyler, President Royal Palm Players

I worked with Merrideth in Florida on the production “Boca Grande: The Soap” in April, 2004. She is a tremendously funny and versatile performer. She played two entirely different women (one with a Russian accent) flawlessly. She gives of herself and puts others at ease. She is a joy to work with and we hope […]

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Nicola Russell (Tap Student, Home Depot)

Merrideth is an amazing teacher- she can manage any group with ease and never loses patience. One remarkable thing about her style is that she can teach to multiple skill levels within the same class, keeping advanced students challenged while taking the time and energy needed for less advanced students. She can also energize, motivate, […]

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Matthew Cornwell (Actor/Student)

I took Tap from Merrideth for approximately 1 year. Starting such a challenging dance style in your mid-20s could have been discouraging. Merrideth managed to make it loads of fun for everyone in the class, from the newbies like me to those who had years of experience. It was never dull, it was always a […]

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Claire Brown (Atlanta Actress)

I first met Merrideth working on a crazy show called Marietta: the Soap! I was just getting back into acting after a very long break (20 + years!). Meredith played the lead, and I learned more from working with her and watching her than I’ve learned from almost anyone else I’ve worked with since. She […]

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Joan (Current Tap Student)

Merredith has been my tap teacher for approximately a year now, I think… time flies when you are having fun lol…. and she does make it fun to learn… she is very patient with us beginners and takes the time to make sure we understand what we are supposed to be doing with our feet… […]

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Natalie Gray, “Christmas Eve”, Avenue Q

TAP: “Merrideth Ziesse has an incredible talent for teaching tap. She breaks everything down slowly so you understand where it is all coming from. She incorporates traditional barre work with fun and exciting combinations that make you want to continue! I can now say that I can tap!” ACTING: “When it comes to monologue work, […]

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Michael Malone (Former Dance Partner)

I love working with Merrideth! I have enjoyed everyopportunity we’ve had to work together. Her extensiveand varied background, training and professionalism are examples of what a well-rounded performer should encompass…AND she’s a really nice person!

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John Tague, Actor, Hollywood, CA

Merrideth Ziesse is, without a doubt, one of those rare talents that only come around once in a blue moon. She is a commanding actress and a fierce dancer. Anyone who studies with her will get only the best training possible. Period.

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Laura Dugan (GPC Student)

Merrideth is an excellent teacher who can make even the most reserved introvert (like me) give their absolute best in a performance. She made every class an enjoyable one, and every student excelled because of her dedication, saint-like patience, and bubbly enthusiasm. She also has a ready supply of anecdotes regarding her beloved doxies that […]

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Janet Cumming

Jim and I want to thank you so much for making your class so much fun for Leah and the other children. You really are so terrific and we want you to know how much we appreciate all you do. You have given so much of yourself and our children greatly benefited. Leah is excited […]

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Diann Kayah (Tap Student)

I hadn’t tap danced since “two score and seven years ago.” Life and adulthood and taking myself too seriously always seemed more important than making music with my feet. When I finally mustered enough courage to try tap dancing again, I couldn’t have wished for a more perfect teacher than Merrideth Ziesse to catch me […]

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Mindy Duryea

Isabel just loved the experience of the show. I have never seen her so happy as she was on stage yesterday. You did an amazing job. Isabel is dying to do the next show. Thank you again for all your wonderful work.

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Leslie Watson

Ms. Meredith, I have to tell you…I am so impressed with the level of work you are doing with the kids…this is a real Broadway experience for them! Sofie is loving it and sings all the time…the CD plays nonstop in our car. Thank you for the wonderful work you do. You are a gem […]

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